
Property Valuer 澳洲房地產估價師課程


 Part I:PMAPI/RPV-第一步是選擇房地產估價學位課程,而課程必須受澳洲房地產協會Australian Property Institute(API)認證,學生完成學位後可先申請為臨時會員Provisional Member(PMAPI);或完成1年住宅評估相關工作經驗,則可直接申請住宅務業估價師認證Residential Property Valuer(RPV) Certification。 
 Part II:AAPI-學生完成API認證的院校學位課程後,4年內完成2年工作經驗,與完成API培訓課程Future Property Professionals Program並通過面試,則可申請成為協會會員Associate Member(AAPI)。
 Part III:FAPI-學生持有Associate Member(AAPI)連續10年與完成10年房地產相關工作經驗、或至少完成5年的房地產高階職位經驗。則可申請成為資深會員Fellow(FAPI)。 

Membership Pathways
Membership Level Eligibility Pathway
Provisional  Have your academic qualifications recognised as a
 Provisional Member (PMAPI)
 • Must meet Academic requirements
 • Eligible to apply for Residential Property Valuer
 (RPV) Certification with 12 months full time (or
 equivalent) work experience in residential valuations
 Direct Entry or
 Transfer from 
 Connect or Student
Associate  Have your academic qualifications and experience
 recognised as an Associate Member (AAPI)
 • Must meet Academic requirements
 • Must have at least two years of full time (or
 equivalent) work experience in the property industry
 within the last four years
 • Eligible to apply for a range of Certifications
 Direct Entry or
 Transfer from PMAPI,
 Connect or Student
Fellow  Be recognised as a leader in the industry (FAPI)
 • Must have held Associate Membership for a 
 minimum of 10 years
 Transfer from
Life Fellow  Life Fellowship (LFAPI) is awarded to existing Fellow
 Members for their outstanding commitment,
 professionalism and contributions to the API and the
 property industry

University of Technology Sydney Master of Property Development 
University of Technology Sydney Bachelor of Property Economics
University of Technology Sydney Bachelor of Property Economics / Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
University of New South Wales Master of Property and Development
Western Sydney University Master of Property Investment and Development 
Western Sydney University Bachelor of Business (Property) 
Bond University Bachelor of Property
Bond University Master of Valuation and Property Development
Bond University Master of Valuation and Property Development (Professional)
Queensland University of Technology Bachelor of Property Economics 
University of South Australia Bachelor of Business (Property)
Curtin University Bachelor of Commerce (Property and Finance Double Major) 
Curtin University Bachelor of Commerce (Property and Marketing Double Major) 
Curtin University Bachelor of Commerce (Property Development and Valuation)


估價師的工作主要是研究土地、房產、商業設施、個人財產、藝術品、與商品等,評估與分析其價值。房產方面包含評估與開發、執行商業或住宅房地產的銷售或租賃方案、提供商業土地和房產的資產管理服務、分析土地和房產的投資。根據市場需求,預期房產結構和狀態等提供估值報告、為法律流程或估價項目的調節、及提供仲裁相關報告等。 職務包括住宅物業估價師、資產經理、商業物業經理、設施經理、基金經理、物業發展從業員、商業評估員、工廠和機器估價物業估價師等。 

房地產估價碩士:大學畢業不限科系/或相關科系畢業包含商科、管理、經濟、 建設規劃、建築、測量等;或地產相關工作經驗。大學成績要求需依照各學校規定。
語言能力要求:IELTS 6.5(各科不低於6.0)或依照各學校規定。