

合作推薦 Mum's The Word 3-11歲 低齡學術評估方案 (2024)

Mum's The Word 3-11歲 低齡學術評估方案 (2024)

『何時是最好的出國時間點』? 其實是沒有標準答案的,主要是取決於 孩子個別的狀況 與 個別家庭的規劃。 

面對多變的局勢,越來越多的家長,早早開始規劃孩子的留學- 英國私立住宿中學以優質教育聞名全球,是許多低齡留學家庭的首選。

Mum's The Word 為3~11歲的孩子們量身打造三種評估套裝方案,讓家長可以提早規劃孩子的教育計畫。
透過專業評估,家長可以了解孩子目前的『英語能力, 數理能力 與認知能力』等同於英國的哪個年齡,可以更客觀的了解孩子的能力。

‼ 對於有意規劃英國留學的家庭,這些專業評估,有助於學校與課程的選擇 ‼

????‍???? 老師介紹:Ms Karen ROWE 

???? 專業資歷:

英國註冊在籍教師, 超過26年 英國課綱教學經驗 

台灣享富盛名的國際學校 有16年以上的專職教育經驗 與 教育團隊領導管理經驗


6年兒童早期教育團隊(Early Years)

2年英語作為附加語言團隊(EAL, English as Additional Language) 

1年適性學習需求團隊(Individual Learning Needs)


???? 學歷背景:兒童早期教育, 英國倫敦南岸大學(Southbank University, London)

✅ 全程英文解說 ,如需即席翻譯價格另計。


????‍???? 套裝方案介紹:

✅ 評估套裝A(3-6歲幼兒/Child aged 3-6):
General learning and development, including language, early literacy, maths, personal, social & emotional.

這份針對學齡前到幼稚園年齡的孩子所設計的評量,以英國教育適齡架構裡的期望值為基準來評估孩子現 階段的發展技能和特性。我們將對孩子的英語進行全面評估,以了解孩子的信心程度、口語流暢度、理解能 力以及利用故事檢視孩子對自然發音的掌握及初期讀寫能力。 此評估將幫助您了解孩子現在的狀態是否已經準備好接受英國教育以及理解英國課綱是否適合您的孩子。 我們能幫您找出孩子的優勢、挑戰和識別孩子的「下一步」目標,這些都能提供您在為未來做決定時的參考 依據。

Designed for pre-school up to Kindergarten ages, this broad spectrum assessment evaluates your child’s developing skills and attainment against standard UK age-related expectations.
English will be thoroughly evaluated to inform you of your child’s condence, verbal uency and comprehension prociency. The literacy skills of responding to a story, phonics and early writing will also be reported on.

This assessment will help you to understand your child’s readiness and whether the UK curriculum could be a good t for your child. Identication of your child’s strengths, challenges and ‘next-step’ targets will be included to aid your decisions about the future.

✅ 評估套裝B(6-8歲幼兒/Child aged 6-8):
English learning and development, including spoken language, thinking skills, literacy (phonics, reading, writing), personal & emotional attributes.

這份針對幼稚園期末到小學2年級的孩子所設計的評量,以英國標準教育適齡架構裡的期望值為基準來評 估孩子現階段的各項發展技能和習得的成就。 聚焦「使用英語這個語言的能力」,這份評估將對孩子的口說程度、自信程度和理解能力進行完整評量,其 中包含孩子使用自然發音的技巧和閱讀能力(拆解發音和內容理解)以及寫作能力(拼字、標點符號、文法和 內容)。

此評估將幫助您了解孩子現在的學習程度以及理解英國課綱是否適合您的孩子。 我們能幫您找出孩子的 優勢、挑戰和識別孩子的「下一步」目標,這些都能提供您在為未來做決定時的參考依據。
Designed for end-of-year Kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2, this assessment evaluates your child’s developed skills and demonstrated attainment against standard UK age-related expectations.
How your child uses the English language will be the main focus, and your child’s spoken uency level, condence and comprehension prociency will be thoroughly evaluated.

The literacy skills of phonics; reading (decoding and comprehension); writing (spelling, punctuation, grammar and content) will also be reported on.
This assessment will help you to understand your child’s current levels and whether the UK curriculum could be a good t for your child. Identication of your child’s strengths, challenges and ‘next-step’ targets will be included to aid your decisions about the future.

✅ 評估套裝C(8-11歲幼兒/Child aged 8-11):
包含口語和思辨技巧、自然發音和閱讀寫作能力、個人情緒屬性及學習態度的英語語言讀寫能力發展評 估。
English language and literacy learning and development, including verbal and thinking skills, phonics, reading, writing, personal & emotional attributes and learner attitudes.​

這份針對三到五年級學童而設計的評量,以英國標準教育適齡架構裡的期望值為基準來評估孩子的語言知 識、語言使用技能和特性。我們將審慎檢視孩子的英語口說程度、英語理解能力和思辨技能,同時也能檢視 孩子如何使用自然發音(如有適用的話)、朗讀能力(拼音解碼、韻律和內容理解)以及寫作能力(拼字、標點 符號、文法和內容)。

此評估將幫助您了解孩子現在的學術程度以及理解英國課綱是否適合您的孩子。 我們能幫您找出孩子的 優勢、挑戰和識別孩子的「下一步」目標,這些都能提供您在為未來做決定時的參考依據。

Designed for grades 3-5, this assessment evaluates your child’s knowledge, skills and attainment against standard UK age-related expectations.
English language usage will be rigorously evaluated to inform you of your child’s spoken uency level, comprehension prociency and thinking skills.

Literacy skills demonstrated in phonics (if applicable); reading aloud (decoding, prosody and comprehension); writing (spelling, punctuation, grammar and content) will also be reported on.
This assessment will help you to understand your child’s current academic levels and whether the UK curriculum could be a good t for your child. Identication of your child’s strengths, challenges and ‘next-step’ targets will be included to aid your decisions about the future.

???? 以上價格僅適用於2024年 ????

In addition to the in-person sessions (assessment and feedback meeting), you will receive a written evaluation report, emailed within 7 working days of the assessment date.

The 1 hour feedback meeting will usually be scheduled within 10 working days of the report being sent.


條款與細則(適用於2024年)/Terms and Conditions (2024)

All assessments require a 50% deposit of the assessment fee, paid at the time of booking.

???? Mum’s The Word所提供的報告是基於在評估過程中,您的孩子獨立展現出的人格特質、舉止行為、 技能和相關知識而產生的結果。
Mum's The Word will report on the attributes, behaviours, skills and knowledge demonstrated independently by your child during the assessment session.


???? 我們提供的書面報告使用英國學校標準報告格式。
The written report will follow a standard UK school report format.


???? 如果有額外的觀察將在家長面談時提供給您參考,幫助您更理解孩子。
Additional observations may be verbally shared in the feedback meeting, for your information and understanding.


???? 所有評估全程均以英語執行,家長面談和書面評估報告也以英文執行。如果您需要中文翻譯或者中 文版的書面評估報告請另外提出(相關細節在您提出需求之後提供給您)。
All assessments are in English, as is the feedback meeting and written evaluation report.
A specialist translator can be arranged to assist in the meeting or provide an additional report in Traditional Chinese, at an additional cost. (Details upon request.)


???? 評估相關的各式文件為Mum’s The Word及Wisdom IEC睿智教育所有財產。
Assessment documents remain the property of Mum’s The Word and Wisdom IEC.

???? 如有需要額外的面談時間將以每小時3,600元計費。第一個小時如未滿以一個小時計,超過一個小 時後以30分鐘為一個單位計。
If needed, extra time in the assessment or feedback meeting will be charged at the rate of 3,600nt per hour, with a full hour being charged initially, followed by 30 minute pro rata increments.


孩童安全守則/Safety and safe-guarding

與顧問進行評估的接觸時間之外休息時斷,須由家長自行陪伴孩子(若您與Wisdom IEC睿智教育顧問有其 他安排則另當別論)
You are required to supervise your child at break times (unless a prior arrangement has been made with Wisdom IEC).

???? 評估套裝A:3-6歲兒童/Children aged 3-6 years
請家長於評估初期陪同孩子一起參與(大約10分鐘)。這是為了確保孩子情緒上的穩定,以利評估執行。 在特殊情況下,為了讓孩子安心,可能需要家長陪伴更長的時間。若有這樣的情形,請參與的家長務必注意 ,您在過程中所言所行僅能與讓孩子感覺安心有關,以確保結果的公正性。
Please join your child in the assessment room for the start of the session (approx 10 minutes) to ensure your child is emotionally capable of participating. You may be asked to stay for longer, should reassurance be needed, but any interaction may only be to help your child feel secure.

???? 評估套裝B、C:6-11歲兒童/Children aged 6-11 years
You are expected to leave the assessment room before the start of the session, and your child to work independently.


取消費用/Cancellation charges

The day of a booked assessment is designated from 00.00 (midnight).

???? 評估日的三天前申請取消評估,退還75%訂金。
    Cancellation more than 3 days ahead, a refund of 75% of the deposit.

???? 評估日的三天內申請取消評估,訂金不退還。
    Cancellation less than 3 days ahead, no deposit refund.


???? 遇特殊不可抗之因素(例如感染法定疾病或緊急家庭狀況),在Mum’s The Word和Wisdom IEC睿智教育顧 問兩方的同意下,這些條款可能得以更改。????
In exceptional circumstances (documented illness/family emergency, agreed by Mum’s The Word and Wisdom IEC) these terms and conditions may be modied.


評估未完成/Incomplete assessment
無法完成評估的狀況發生時,Mum's The Word、Wisdom IEC睿智教育和家長三方於當日需就以下三種退款方式擇一達成協議。
In the case of an unnished assessment, the refund % will be agreed at the time by Mum’s The Word, Wisdom IEC and you.

???? 退還25%套裝費用:就孩子已完成的評估,依原訂時間提供書面報告及進行家長面談。
25% refund of the assessment fee: Written report and feedback meeting oered for the proportion of the assessment done.

???? 退還50%套裝費用:就孩子已完成的評估,依原訂時間提供簡易書面報告;不進行家長面談。50% refund of the assessment fee: Brief written report only. No feedback meeting time included.

???? 退還75%套裝費用:不提供書面報告;不進行家長面談。
75% refund of the assessment fee: Neither written report nor feedback meeting time provided.